About Us

Who We Are

The Healthy Pet Alliance is a team of veterinarians, pet nutritionists, and manufacturing experts committed to providing pets with healthier food options. We are working at the intersection of pet health, business, and manufacturing to improve the livelihoods of pets and promote longer, healthier lives.

The Problem

It's difficult to choose the right food for your pet. Due to low standards and loose regulations, several brands only meet basic nutritional requirements and contain controversial ingredients. With poor nutrition as a leading cause of dog illness, pet owners need an easier way to identify healthier foods.

The Journey

The Healthy Pet Alliance was founded to help pet owners identify the best food for their pets. We believe that our higher standards will drive industry-wide improvements to promote pet wellness.

Our Vision and Mission

We envision a world where pets live longer, happier, and healthier lives. Our mission is to improve pet health by providing owners with guidance to make more informed decisions regarding pet nutrition.

Integrity and Transparency

Pet owners trust the Healthy Pet Alliance Certified® seal to provide their pets with the best, healthiest options. To earn and maintain your trust, we have developed policies to ensure transparency, integrity, and accountability throughout our certification process and audits.

Funding Research to Champion Pet Health

Improving pet health requires continuous research and testing. The Healthy Pet Alliance is committed to evolving our standards by working with industry experts and performing research in the following areas:

Have Your Dog Featured On Our Instagram!

Take a picture of your pup with a carrot, apple, or banana and send it to our Instagram account.
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